Columns published by Dr. Preskorn
Published in Journal
of Psychiatric Practice
(formerly the Journal of Practical Psychiatry and Behavioral
1: The polypharmacology section (13 articles)
The columns in this section are concerned with the patient
who is on more than one medication. This section begins with
a discussion of basic principles of pharmacology that are
particularly important to consider when treating such patients.
Subsequent columns present cases which illustrate the application
of these principles to clinical practice. Many of these case-based
columns are structured so the case is presented first allowing
the reader to take a moment to formulate how they might have
managed the patient. The column then proceeds to review what
was done followed by a discussion of the clinically important
take-home points.
Section 2: Understanding the basics
of antidepressant pharmacology
(9 articles)
The columns in this section discuss basic pharmacologic principles
relevant to understanding the mechanistically defined classes
of antidepressants. It reviews: (a) the history of antidepressant
pharmacology from a developmental perspective eight classes,
(b) the meaning of selectivity and specificity, (c) the extrapolation
from in vitro binding affinity to different targets to clinical
action, and (d) summarizes the clinical pharmacology of antidepressants
as determined by formal clinical trials.
Section 3: The rationale for and
clinical implications of dose-response curves
(5 articles)
Section 4: Modern drug development
and the Human Genome Project (8 articles)
This series of columns is devoted to how drugs are developed
and how that will likely change as a result of the Human Genome